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The Panoptical Poet

Erin J. Bauman

The Panoptical Poet makes flowetry and poetry to inspire and delight the world around her. She is passionate about social change, and much of her art focuses on highlighting injustice and opening dialogs to discuss how we can all contribute to creating a truly global community in which all life is respected and celebrated.

Fun fact!

I created a poetic self-guided tour brochure that was used at Two Rivers Gallery. The brochure gave information about the architecture of the building and had room for people to brainstorm about the exhibits they saw and make poetry of their own. I was inspired to create it when I hosted a writing workshop at the gallery and George Harris said he wanted to see more spontaneous art created in the gallery space.

What is your dream project?

I have published poetry, but I hope to publish a novel in the near future. I have four written and I am currently querying for an agent.