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July 28, 2016
September 11, 2016
Wonderland is an exhibition of recent photographs by Frances Gobbi and Maja Swannie-Jacob. Each artist created her work independent of the other, but both works share a common desire to convey the sense of awe one experiences in the presence of the natural world. Swannie Jacobโ€™s photographs accomplish this by picturing young children as they explore rivers, mountains and frozen lakes. Gobbi documents Playmobil toys immersed in real-world outdoor activities like mountain biking, camping and going to the beach. Swannie-Jacobโ€™s curious and awe-inspiring photographs along with Gobbiโ€™s playful and joyous ones, invite us to rediscover the wonder of the natural world with fresh eyes and an open mind.

Frances Gobbi & Maja Swannie Jacob