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Wooden slates with a person engraved.

Voice: An exhibition featuring artists from across BC

January 29, 2016
April 17, 2016
This group exhibition looks at recent artwork in a range of media by artists from across BC as Two Rivers Gallery explores the diversity, application and power of the artists’ voice. Our voices are infinitely malleable tools that are altered to say different things to different people. Through our voices we may soothe, teach and share, for instance, but they are also a means by which we assert our will. To not have a voice is more than to be mute, but to lack agency in the world. Spoken, and expressed in other ways, our voices are empowering extensions of self from the soft and self-reflective to bold resistance.

Liz Carter & George Littlechild, Ian Crawford, Judith DesBrisay, Victoria Edgar, Annerose Georgeson & Cat Sivertsen, Frances Gobbi, Brian Grison, Mo Hamilton, Corey Hardeman, Jeremy Herndl, Greg Klassen, Laurie Landry, Anna-Maria Lawrie, Perry Rath, Kim Stewart, Crystalynn Tarr

Featured Artwork Perry Rath. Outside. 2015. Wood.