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An embroidered life jacket sitting on a mirror, reflecting the artwork.

The Tip of the Iceberg

January 22, 2021
April 4, 2021
Climate extremes, disrupted habitats, and sea level rise, like the tip of an iceberg, are the most apparent elements of a much bigger concern. Climate change, linked to an increase in greenhouse gasses, encompasses these and many other environmental factors that, in turn have social, political, and economic consequences. Through diverse media including photography, digital prints, sculpture, video and sound, the work of eleven BC-based artists explore climate change from different perspectives. (Artist top 5 web page to link to and Prince George Community Foundation logo needs to be on page.)

Whitney Brennan, Liz Carter, David Ellingsen, Colton Hash, Aimée Henny Brown, Bettina Matzkuhn, Monique Motut-Firth, Desirée Patterson, Sydney Pickering, Rachel Rozanski, and Jordan Schwab

Featured Artwork Bettina Matzkuhn. SOS: Freedom