Cat Sivertsen

This project captures the aspects of life faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most impactful experiences in recent human history.

Coming to some sort of idea about the Covid project – I knew immediately that this was really beyond just me, beyond my current place in self and isolation. I feel somewhat guilty that I’m getting this opportunity and not others who work hard (on a daily basis) – dare I say harder than I do… I did talk to someone about this and she said first of all that I deserve this, then she corrected herself saying that I’ve worked hard for this – perhaps harder as I’m working on my practice and have a full-time job.

We also talked about my idea and she reminded me that when we were kids we weren’t allowed to invite everyone we knew we had to choose … and again I feel bad (perhaps even guilty – why am I feeling that?) that I’m not asking everyone I know – perhaps too close, too knowing, too complacent in relationship, too narrow and living the same existence I am in this already isolated place now more so as we are locked in it together.

I have an opportunity to reach out beyond this place to another time and place where adventure, risk and play were par for the course – actually normal – didn’t even think of it as extra-ordinary… and of course on reflection especially at this time it was extra-ordinary, magical, adventurous and exciting. Looking outside of my current existence to a wider perspective is perhaps looking at the macro rather than focusing in on the micro – the economics of the thing as a condition of my isolation. I just want to break free back to the imaginings of adventure, of journey, of new and exciting … of before.

I remembered my vision.

The Covidian Garden Party, Andy Kirkby, 2020

Completed all the invites last week to the Covidian Garden Party … and have since been living in doubt – reminiscent of being a kid hoping everyone will say yes and will come to the party … and if they do will they have a good time, will I be ready, will they understand that this is no ordinary party, will it be good enough, will it come across as trite, kitch, will it ‘taste’ good or be blasé … what am I supposed to wear, do, say, be… am I a fly on the wall watching, listening, learning or am I the connector – do I offer my ideas or is this it.

Jeez so much contradictory thinking, dreaming, nightmare(ing) – is it all irrelevant or full of crap. Who really cares especially now that the MayDay Bloody weekend is near and as far as our government is concerned we can assume the position – back to normal – within reason – small groups – up to 6 people – socially distanced, ‘gloved’ up so to speak with masks (no laughing showing teeth cause they could be dangerous), sanitizer (on hands – don’t drink it), no touching/hugging/reaching out – stay in your bubble but you can go out but only for day trips … I think not … don’t let covid ruin your long weekend – play safe, be safe, and whatever you do be kind because God only knows we are all in this together……… alone but together … and I’m one of the lucky ones.

I hope they’ll come to the party which is realizing itself more and more as a wake.

The yellow bi-plane cut across this blue blazer of a day.

The Covidian Garden Party
Alicia Proudfoot

The garden is finally growing, the guests are starting to arrive – I resist greeting them until they are all present – I wait in wonderous anticipation – what a ridiculous word wonderous is – how to describe excitement, anxiety, anticipation, dreaming, ready not ready, avoiding … the end.

The Covidian Garden Party, Kim Gullion, 2020

The Covidian Garden Party
Fran Quinlan

I’m in limbo. I haven’t seen the yellow bi-plane in awhile.

I’m waiting, anticipating, preparations are almost complete, I have a plan, I have new tech and I started the drawings… but are they relevant, like preparing unnecessary food, is it over the top, is it out of love or panic that I’m (its) not enough.

Away for a week during the rains and the garden bolted out of control – beyond its parameters and over her boundaries – she’s telling me it’s time to harvest – no longer imaginary but reality and I’d better get on with it before it’s too late. The rains faded colours to dirty milk – the poppy’s ink spilt from one to the other casting a gray muck where flies love to frolic.

Feeling anxious, excited & nervous about opening the envelopes – want the project to progress but I don’t want it to end – the anticipation is tantalizing but how often does that colour the actuality – I keep opening the door to contrariness.

Post mortem on the envelope opening – like opening gifts – absolute gifts of love – connection – separation – hope – humour & despair. Ideas crossing over continents as sense of place in collage, drawing, paint, inks, beading, crayon, pastel, micro-pencil & fat brush. I don’t feel so alone. Video’d the opening and sent that to each guest as a connecting point. A critical conversation gifted me more clarity in direction.

The day before the party and there’s so much, too much, to do… so much I feel paralyzed by my procrastination – shirking the final outcome – will it measure up, does it meet my expectation or theirs.

I’m not ready, the project is beyond me, I’ve taken on too much, the documentation is getting the better of me and I fear I will be late to my own party.

The yellow bi-plane brought some relief on this blinding scorcher of a day.

About the Artist

Cat Sivertsen

Cat Sivertsen is a multi-disciplinary artist, an arts-based educator and advocate for arts as wellness. Cat’s career spans 30 years with projects in England, Australia and Canada. Cat is proponent of collaboration with her most recent work being done in spite, or in light, of Covidian restrictions with artists down the road and across the world. A representation of her portfolio can be accessed at